SHORT MESSAGE SERVICE to refute errors

1. Jesus is the Sabbath so we don't have to keep the Sabbath.

Ans: If Jesus is the Sabbath, then we should do what Jesus said about the Sabbath which is that we are to keep the seventh day of every week holy by resting from work and engaging in a public meeting for worship.  Jesus never said that He is the Sabbath but He did say that He is the Lord of the Sabbath which means rest.  Without rest there cannot be restoration or resurrection.

Besides, if Jesus is your Sabbath, can He be your Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday etc.?  If such be the case, then you don't have to go to church on any Sunday or go to work on any Monday or Tuesday etc. as Jesus can be your "everything" and do all for you so that you don't have to do anything, right?  See how that can work out.

Some say that since Jesus rose on a Sunday and the Pentecost happened on a Sunday and an offering collection took place on a first day, the Sabbath has changed or was abolished.  Well, is Jesus resurrecting every Sunday? Or, did the Pentecost take place every Sunday? Did the offering collection take place every first day of the week only during Paul's time?  On the contrary, Sabbath does happen every 7th day and was observed as such and commanded to be kept as such in all of Bible from beginning to end.  See Heb. 4:1-11.

The fact is that if there is no necessity to keep the Sabbath, there's no need to keep Sunday either.  It's a logical and theological self contradiction and fallacy to continue to justify the belief that Sabbath was either abolished or changed to the first day or to any other day.

Sabbath is definitely not every day and neither is the Resurrection or Pentecost...everyday.  If you work six days a week, you're unwittingly following the so called "old covenant" Ten Commands in this respect.

2. Can you be saved by keeping the Sabbath?

Ans: All can be saved by doing what God says which is to believe Him by keeping all His moral laws as reflected in the Ten Commandments.  No one will be saved by knowingly and intentionally breaking God's moral laws as revealed in the original Ten Commandments which define sin, right and wrong.  The Bible defines "sin" as the transgression of God's moral laws.  See 1 John 3:4.

Good works by themselves will not save you but bad works or evil deeds will definitely doom you.  In the end, ALL will be judged according to their works.  Check some verses about this truth here.  Your faith should lead to faithfulness.  Faith without works is dead.  See James 2.

2. Law vs. Grace

Ans: The Law is also Grace codified or spelled out very clearly so there's no confusion.  When we keep the law or God's moral laws as revealed in the unchangeable Ten Commandments, we make grace or favor possible for all the good to prevail in another sense.  When we do not lie, cheat or steal, we make grace or favor possible for goodness to prevail.  All things in the universe operate by laws and nothing operates outside of any laws including your smart phone. 

More topics will be addressed with biblical scriptural links given on an ongoing basis...check this page from time to time and feel free to ask any questions or correct us of any errors on any subject.  Thank you.