Social Matters

Week 1 – Loving Others-Social Matters. When fully developed, this site will feature topics on "loving others" or developing proper relationships with the world around, social issues, family, creation, science, environment, politics etc from a Biblical perspective.  When on this site, a corresponding live web video channel or Social Channel will also launch on the top side where you see an illustrative graphic.  It will also be interactive with social commentary features. 

This method and programming style of recurring monthly and weekly themes for the church to promote wholesome living and the hope of life to come, complemented by thematic web video channels and two-way social engagement to expand Gospel Outreach worldwide is original to HopeSide and was first developed in 2009-2010.  Our hope and prayer is that God will use this and or any appropriate method to bring people home to His kingdom.

Currently, the content that appears here only shows a recap of whatever happens at HopeSide Church every 1st week of any month with links to some interesting site theme related articles at the bottom.  Click here to see the playlist of topics under this theme currently uploaded on YouTube.

Jan. 6, 2024 - Recap
Sabbath School

"How to Read the Psalms" - Luke 24:44, 45, NKJV

Divine Service

"What God Remembers That We Forget" - Psalms 103:6-18
by Pr. Jeffery Paul

"May the New Year bring you closer to your goals and aspirations. Wishing you success and joy in abundance. Happy New Year!"~Unknown


Feb. 3, 2024 - Recap

Sabbath School

"Singing the Lord's Song in a Strange Land" - Psalm 137:4

Divine Service

"The Prophetic Clock" - 1 Thess. 5:1-3
by Mr. Robert Thottimpuri

"Environmental problems are really social problems anyway. They begin with people as the cause and end with people as the victims."~Edmund Hillary


Mar. 2, 2024 - Recap    

Sabbath School

"Blessed Is He Who Comes in the Name of the Lord" - Psalm 118:22, 23, NKJV

Divine Service

"The Three Proofs of Friendship" - John 15:12-17
by Pr. Jeffery Paul

"Justice grows out of recognition of ourselves in each other - that my liberty depends on you being free too."~ Barack H. Obama


April 6, 2024 - Recap

Sabbath School

"The War Behind All Wars" - Revelation 12:7, 8, NKJV

Divine Service

"Look Upon Jesus" - Isaiah 50:6
by Pr.
Chandradass Ephraim

"We are all implicated when we allow other people to be mistreated.  An absence of compassion can corrupt the decency of a community, a state, a nation."~Bryan Stevenson


May 4, 2024 - Recap

Sabbath School

"Faith Against All Odds" - Psalm 119:11, NKJV

Divine Service

"Unstoppable" - Matt. 20:20-21
by Pr. Jeffery Paul

"Lasting solutions to many social problems will be found only as we each learn to say, 'I am society'."~Mal Fletcher


June 1, 2024 - Recap

Sabbath School

"The Foundation of God's Government" - Revelation 12:17, NKJV

Divine Service

"The Reality of the Light" - 1 John 1:5-10
by Pr. Jeffery Paul

"In a society that functions optimally, those who can should naturally want to provide for those who can't.  That's how it's designed to work.  I truly believe we're here to take care of one another."~Levar Burton


July 1, 2023 - Recap

Sabbath School

"Paul and the Ephesians" - Ephesians 1:9, 10, ESV

Divine Service

"Empowered by Listening" - Luke 10:38-42
Pr. Jeffery Paul

"Learn to love others without expecting anything in return, as a tree gives fruits to all even if we throw stones at it."


Aug. 5, 2023 - Recap

Sabbath School

"The Mystery of the Gospel" - Ephesians 3:20, 21, NIV

Divine Service

"A Few Biblical Wills" -Zeph 3:17, Ps. 57:1-2
by Pr. Chandradass Ephraim

"Love grows as we choose to act in love towards others."~Gregory Brown


Sept. 2, 2023 - Recap

Sabbath School

"Husbands and Wives: Together at the Cross" - Ephesians 5:25 - 27, NKJV

Divine Service

"What's the Problem?" - 1 John 1:8-10
by Jeffery Paul

 "Violence never brings permanent peace.  It solves no social problem: it merely creates new and more complicated ones."~Martin Luther King


Oct. 7, 2023 - Recap    

Sabbath School

"God's Mission to Us: Part 1" - Genesis 3:9, NKJV

Divine Service

"Living by Faith: A Journey of Hope" - 1 Peter 1:3, Heb. 11:1
by Mrs. Premila Pedapudi

"Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust and hostility to evaporate."~Albert Schweitzer


Nov. 4, 2023 - Recap

Sabbath School

"Excuses to Avoid Mission" - Isaiah 6:8, NKJV

Divine Service

"The City of Peace" - Psalm 122:1-9
by Pr. Jeffery Paul

"To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others."~Francois Mauriac


Dec. 2, 2023 - Recap

Sabbath School

"Mission to the Powerful"1 Matthew 16:26, NKJV

Divine Service

"How to Get Most of a Trial" - James 1:2-4
by Pr. Jeffery Paul

"The love of Christ always helps us see beyond the faults of others."~Victor Manuel Rivera


  1. Most Overlooked Tax Deductions - Jan. 3, 2012
  2. Living Green - April 22, 2012
  3. Past Twelve Months, Warmest Ever - July 9, 2012
  4. Now Do You Believe In Global Warming? - July 10, 2012
  5. Get Ready To See More Extreme Weather - July 10, 2012
  6. Mother Nature's Kill List - July 13, 2012
  7. Sneaky Way To Get What You Want - Sept. 6, 2012
  8. Dangers of Islamophopia - Sept. 16, 2012
  9. Taste Of Things To Come? - Oct. 30, 2012
  10. Climate Change To Blame Yet? - Oct. 30, 2012
  11. Sandy Speaking - Nov 3, 2012
  12. Climate Change Is Real - Nov. 3, 2012
  13. Climate Skeptic Group Works To Reverse Renewable Energy Mandates - Nov. 25, 2012
  14. Vegan couture: Faux meets fabulous - Feb. 7, 2013
  15. How our 'tribes' help create gridlock in Congress - Feb 7, 2013
  16. Global warming is epic, long-term study says - March 8, 2013
  17. Top 10 emerging technologies for 2013 - March 11, 2013
  18. Do Christians, Muslims and Jews worship the same God? - Sept. 1, 2013
  19. Climate Change Warriors: It's Time To Go Nuclear - Nov. 3, 2013
  20. New greenhouse gas record set - Nov. 9, 2013
  21. The Holy Land: 7 Amazing Archaeological Finds - Dec. 3, 2013
  22. Turn Your Spark Into a Flame - Dec. 8, 2013
  23. Scientists say society is doomed - supporting Bible end time prophecies - March 24, 2014
  24. Climate change will cause irreversible damage - March 24, 2014
  25. Oil companies don't want a roasted planet - March 25, 2014
  26. Climate Change Already Felt Across The World
  27. Google Exec - Technology Cannot Solve World's Problems - March 29, 2014
  28. Nobel Prize For Microscope - Oct. 26, 2014
  29. Climate Change Takes A Village - Dec. 16, 2014
  30. Edict On Climate Change - Dec. 28, 2014
  31. Two Sisters Kill Their Brother - Jan. 7, 2015
  32. Aggression Can Kill All - Feb. 23, 2015
  33. One Minute Battery Charging - April 8, 2015
  34. Rising Levels Of Toxic Gas Found Near Fracking Sites - April 9, 2015
  35. Threatening Blob - April 22, 2015
  36. 2 Degrees To Total Destruction - April 22, 2015
  37. Man-made Earthquakes Increasing - April 23, 2015
  38. New Mass Extinction Could Be Underway - June 20, 2015
  39. Thousands of birds found dead along Alaskan shoreline - Jan. 22, 2016
  40. April Of 2016 Is Hottest Yet - May 16, 2016 (The need for a 24 hour worldwide 7th Day Sabbath has become more urgent as an easier first step)
  41. Scientists Turn Plastic Into Fuel - July 21, 2016
  42. How Greed Works Against You - Aug. 16, 2016
  43. Bumblebee Endangered - Jan. 10, 2017
  44. The Best Democracy - Feb 22, 2017
  45. Lead With Kindness - March 9, 2017
  46. Social Cost Of Conspiracy Theories - March 10, 2017 (1/3 of angels cast out of heaven)
  47. Wife's Addiction Almost Destroyed Marriage - May 8, 2017
  48. 4.4 Billion Years Ago, Earth Was Under Water - May 13, 2017
  49. The Heat Is On, No Matter The Denial - June 20, 2017
  50. The Scream For Racial Justice, If You Can Hear It - June 23, 2017
  51. EPA To Dismantle Clean Water Rules - June 28, 2017
  52. The Consequences Of Denial - Aug. 29, 2017
  53. Lessons To Learn From Poor Regulations - Aug. 31, 2017
  54. Why The Current Hurricanes Prove Reagan Was Wrong - Sept. 8, 2017
  55. Paradise That Should Have Never Been - Sept. 8, 2017
  56. Yes, Climate Change Made The Current Hurricanes Worse - Sept. 15, 2017
  57. Sinking Islands - Nov. 13, 2017
  58. Warning To Humanity - Nov. 15, 2017
  59. Extreme Weather = Extreme Heat And Cold Causing Damage - Jan. 4, 2018
  60. Power From A Distance - Jan 7, 2018
  61. Delhi's Deadly Pollution - Jan 7, 2018
  62. No Battery Wireless Keyboard - Jan. 7, 2018
  63. Super Fast Holography 3D Printing - Jan. 7, 2018
  64. Game Changing Solar Window - Jan. 7, 2018
  65. U.S. Exporting Dirty Fuel To Already Pollution Choked India - Jan. 7, 2018
  66. Dead Zones Increasing Because Of Pollution - Jan. 7, 2018
  67. Water Bottle That Cleans Itself - Jan. 10, 2018
  68. Bats Are Boiling To Death - Jan. 10, 2018
  69. Mudslides Impact On Expensive Homes - Jan. 10, 2018
  70. Air Pollution Is Killing Thousands Each Year - Jan. 23, 2018
  71. Greenland Melting Can Flood Your City - Feb. 12, 2018
  72. Sea Level Rising Faster Due To Climate Change - Feb. 12, 2018
  73. The Next Recession Will Be Really Bad - Feb. 12, 2018
  74. North Pole Warming - Feb. 27, 2018
  75. Scientific Proof That God Exists - Feb. 27, 2018
  76. Scientists Prove God's Existence - March 7, 2018
  77. Climate Change Is Changing For Skeptics - March 25, 2018
  78. How Vanishing Arctic May Set The Stage For Extreme Weather - March 25, 2018
  79. Climate Change Effects Food Safety, Causes More Accidents - August 13, 2018
  80. Climate Change Will Make The World An Ugly Place to Live - Aug. 23, 2018
  81. Climate Change Will Effect Health - Oct. 12, 2018
  82. Climate Change's Connection To Flooded Streets And Basements In Florida - Oct. 27, 2018
  83. Tackling Climate change Could Save Millions Of Lives - Dec. 4, 2018
  84. Climate Change Consequences Already Here - Dec. 30, 2018
  85. 15 Ways To Happiness - Jan. 5, 2019
  86. Threat Of Unregulated Chemicals In Water - Jan. 6, 2019
  87. Raising Successful Kids - Jan. 7, 2019
  88. UNESCO Sites In Danger Due To Climate Change - Jan. 7, 2019
  89. Choice Of A Lifetime by Dr. Raj Kumar Chavakula - Jan. 4, 2019
  90. Super Strong Silk That Conducts Electricity - Jan. 9, 2019
  91. North Pole Moving Erratically - Jan. 12, 2019
  92. Mental Well Being Takes Center Stage At CES 2019 - Jan. 12, 2019
  93. Climate Change Can Alter The Ratio Of Male And Female Births - Jan. 24, 2019
  94. Undeniable Climate Change Facts - Jan 25, 2019
  95. Polar Vortex Linked To Global Warming - Jan. 29, 2019
  96. Polar Bear Invasion Due To Climate Change - Feb. 11, 2019
  97. Massive Insect Decline Underway Worldwide - Feb. 11, 2019
  98. Raising Successful Kids - Feb. 17, 2019
  99. Rising Seas Ruining Crops In N. Carolina - Mar. 1, 2019
  100. 17 Quotes About Compassion That Can Make A Difference - Mar. 11, 2019
  101. Shape That Block All Sound - March 11, 2019
  102. Ecological Foundations In Peril - March 13, 2019
  103. Climate Change Drives Baby Coral Die Off - April 3, 2019
  104. Nine Rituals To Make You An Amazing Parent - April 14, 2019
  105. Climate Change May Drown popular Beach - April 23, 2019
  106. Extreme weather Shatters Records Around The World - May 20, 2019
  107. Climate Change Could End Human Civilization By 2050 - June 7, 2019
  108. High Tide Flooding Is Only Going To Get Worse - July 18, 2019
  109. Our Relationships With Animals - Nov 11, 2019
  110. Climate Change Is Destroying The Colorado River - Feb. 23, 2020
  111. Start Caring For The Least Of These - April 1, 2020
  112. Our Environmental Practices Make Pandemics More Likely - April 1, 2020
  113. Coronavirus And Capitalism - April 2, 2020
  114. Fight To Stop Fossil Fuel Funding - April 19, 2020
  115. Oil Spill Found In Fish - April 20, 2020
  116. How To Persuade Someone In 50 Words Or Less - July 27, 2020
  117. Change Any Car Into Electric - Dec. 14, 2020
  118. LG's Home Backup Battery - Dec. 14, 2020
  119. Do Relationships With Big age Gaps Work? - Dec. 28, 2020
  120. Thermochromic Windows That Convert Sunlight Into Energy - Dec. 28, 2020
  121. Ingredient That Could Lower Diabetes - Jan. 3, 2021
  122. Quercetin That Belongs In Your Diet - Jan. 3, 2021
  123. Lockdown Workout - Jan. 3, 2021
  124. Best Shampoos For Thinning Hair - Jan. 3, 2021
  125. One Thing To Stop doing To Stop Getting CVID-19 - Jan. 3, 2021
  126. 10 Job Skills Worth Six Figures - Jan. 3, 2021
  127. The Planet Is Dying Faster Than We Thought - Jan. 15, 2021
  128. Scientists Warn of Looming Planet Disaster - Jan. 15, 2021
  129. Ghastly Future Of Mass Extinction - Jan. 15, 2021
  130. More Than 260 Airports In Danger Of Being Drowned - Jan 23, 2021
  131. Climate Change Will Be Sudden And Cataclysmic - Jan. 23, 2021
  132. Car Batteries That Charge In 5 Minutes - Jan. 23, 2021
  133. Giant Tesla Solar Panels Actual Cost - Feb. 1, 2021
  134. Invisible Killer - Feb. 9, 2021
  135. How The Rich Use Climate Change To Divide Us - Feb. 21, 2021
  136. Disinformation Fuels A White Evangelical Movement - Feb. 21, 2021
  137. A Major Ocean Current Maybe Hurtling To A Collapse - Feb. 24, 2021
  138. Nurses Are Quitting Due To High Stress - Feb. 24, 2021
  139. White Evangelicals' Dominance Of The GOP - Feb. 28, 2021
  140. White Evangelicals Must choose Between Extremism And Reform - March 1, 2021
  141. Oceans Slowing due To Climate Change Will Have Devastating Results - March 4, 2021
  142. California Kelp Forests Have Collapsed - March 10, 2021
  143. Quest For Significance Underlies the White Supremacist Movement - March 11, 2021
  144. Feeding Cows Seaweed Can Reduce Methane Emissions by 80% - March 17, 2021
  145. MS PPT Can Help You Practice Presentations Anywhere - March 17, 2021
  146. U.S. Rethinking Approach To Poverty - March 19, 2021
  147. Long-term Impact Of COVID-19 Pandemic - April 13, 2021
  148. Avoid These Overused Phrases - July 5, 2021
  149. Ancient Design To Survive Extreme Heat - July 8, 2021
  150. 6 Types Of Hackers To Be Aware Of - July 8, 2021
  151. Open Offices Are A Nightmare - July 8, 2021
  152. Climate Change Is About Greed - July 8, 2021
  153. Solar Roofs and Powerwalls - July 12, 2021
  154. Why Many Are Choosing To Be Single - July 17, 2021
  155. Society On Track Toward A Global Collapse - July 19, 2021
  156. Infamous 1970's Study Right On Track About Global Collapse - July 19, 2021
  157. Wild Fires Erupting Across The Globe - July 22, 2021
  158. Inaction On Climate Change Is A Health Risk - Sept. 7, 2021
  159. World Faces Breakdown of Social Order If No Change - Sept 11, 2021
  160. Mass Extinction Can Turn Fresh Water Into Toxic Soup And It's Already Happening - Sept 19, 2021
  161. How To Make People Remember And Like You More - Sept 19, 2021
  162. How To Talk To Anyone Who Denies Facts - Sept. 22, 2021
  163. Ghost Forests Creep Up - Sept. 22, 2021
  164. Machines That Make Water Out Of Think Air - Oct. 6, 2021
  165. Three Life Goal Red Flags - Oct. 10, 2021
  166. An Underwater Future With Sea Levels Rising - Oct. 12, 2021
  167. Big Lie Operation Revealed - Oct. 14, 2021
  168. Climate Change's 'Code Red' Impact On Health - Oct. 20, 2021
  169. Plastic Will Destroy Us In 9 Years - Oct. 25, 2021
  170. 100% Plastic Free Bottle With Filter - Oct. 25, 2021
  171. 8 Ways To Make Your Old Laptop New Again - Oct. 27, 2021
  172. Jet Fuel From CO2 - Oct. 28, 2021
  173. Climate Change Threatens To Spread Viruses - Oct. 20, 2021
  174. In Italy, 3D Housing For Emergency Housing - Oct. 30, 2021
  175. People With Psychopathic Tendencies - Oct. 31, 2021
  176. Where Climate Wars Will Break Out - Nov. 1, 2021
  177. Solar Panel Extracts Water Out Of Air - Dec. 5, 2021
  178. How To Disarm A Narcissist - Dec. 13, 2021
  179. This Device Turns Air Into Mineral Water - Dec. 22, 2021
  180. Water Harvesting From Air Without Energy Required - Dec. 23, 2021
  181. Increasing Emotional Intelligence - Dec. 26, 2021
  182. Unprecedented Die-Offs, Melting Ice, Climate Change - Dec. 26, 2021
  183. Regenerative Agriculture Will Reverse Climate Change - Dec. 31, 2021
  184. Solar Tech Being Revolutionized - Jan. 3, 2022
  185. Biodegradable Packaging - Jan. 4, 2022
  186. Drillable Bore - Jan. 6, 2022
  187. Improve Your Windows Computer's Performance - Jan. 9, 2022
  188. The Great Burnout - Jan. 13, 2022
  189. 100 Year Old Technique Provides Cheap Storage For Wind And Solar Power - Jan. 22, 2022
  190. Rising Seas Eat Away North Carolina Coast - Feb.. 9, 2022
  191. Limitless Energy From Graphene - Feb. 20, 2022
  192. Try The Plant Based Food Before Training - Feb. 23, 2022
  193. Fenugreek Tea Curbs Craving - Feb. 23, 2022
  194. 3D Printed House Revolution - Feb. 24, 2022
  195. Prehab Home - Feb. 24, 2022
  196. Delay Means Death - Feb. 28, 2022
  197. 10 Fast Growing Trees for Your Backyard - March 13, 2022
  198. Solar Panels Made From Food Waste Charges Without Sunlight - April 3, 2022
  199. UN: Only Drastic Lifestyle Changes Can Slow Climate Change - April 5, 2022
  201. Revive Sad Looking Plants With A household Ingredient - April 19, 2022
  202. Solar Panels That Work At Night Developed At Stanford - April 19, 2022
  203. Lithium Battery Charges To 80% In 15 Minutes - May 2, 2022
  204. Misinformation Spurring Life Expectancy Erosion - May 7, 2022
  205. Solid State Wind Energy - May 11, 2022
  206. How To Spot A Liar? - May 14, 2022
  207. Technology Pulls Water From The Air Without Energy - May 14, 2022
  208. Cheap Gel Film Pulls Buckets Of Water Out Of Think Air - May 24, 2022
  209. Diamond Batteries From Nuclear Waste Lasts 1000's Of Years - May 24, 2022
  210. Man Parts Ways With Guns In Change Of Heart - May 28, 2022
  211. Harvesting Limitless Clean Energy Closer Than Ever - May 30, 2022
  212. World's Fastest Carbon Capture System - June 2, 2022
  213. 'Energy Harvesting' Circuit Gives Limitless Power From Graphene - June 7, 2022
  214. Clean Drinking Water Pulled From Air 24/7 With No Energy Input - June 13, 2022
  215. New Desalination Plant Powered By Cleantech - June 17, 2022
  216. Researchers Make Breakthrough Ability To Move things With Our Minds - June 13, 2022
  217. The West Has Just Experienced Extreme Climate Change That Has Been Warned For Years - June 17, 2022
  218. Relics Of The Past Emerge After Waters Recede - June 17, 2022
  219. A Space Tech Company Stumbled Upon A New Way To Cut Emissions On Earth - June 17, 2022
  220. Japan Is Submerging An Enormous Turbine To Create Endless Clean Energy - June 23, 2022
  221. Carbon Neutral Concrete - June 23, 2022
  222. World Leaders Face Crises On Multiple Fronts - June 24, 2022
  223. Waste Heat Of Pipes Converted To Energy - June 28, 2022
  224. Dozens Of Breakthrough Technologies Will Be Needed To Combat Climate Change - June 28, 2022
  225. Supreme Court's Hard Right Turn Has Shaken The Country - July 1, 2022
  226. Australian Scientists Put The Quantum World On A Microchip - July 2, 2022
  227. Engineers Create First Caron Neutral Cement Out Of Algae - July 3, 2022
  228. Solar Panel That Gives 1000x More Power - July 12, 2022
  229. Transparent Solar Panels With 1000x Conversion Efficiency - July 20, 2022
  230. Naturally Sweet Tea With Many Health Benefits - July 21, 2022
  231. Consuming 4 Alcoholic Drinks Per Week Can Cause Cognitive Decline - July 21, 2022
  232. Simple Technique That Can Turn Deserts Green - July 23, 2022
  233. DIY Solar Generator - July 23, 2022
  234. Saudi Arabia Plans To Build Carbon Free Colonies - July 26, 2022
  235. Silicon Watch Out - Future Of Semiconductors - July 27, 2022
  236. Solar Hydropanel Captures 10 Liters Of Drinking Water Per Day From Air - July 31, 2022
  237. Four Day Workweek Changes Lives - Aug. 1, 2022
  238. Polymer Bricks Made Of Industrial Waste Bond Without Mortar - Aug. 1, 2022
  239. Heat And Cool Your House Using Humidity - Aug. 3, 2022
  240. Rainfall Everywhere On Earth Has Cancer Causing Chemicals - Aug. 3, 2022
  241. The World Can Switch To 100% Renewable Energy And Get Back Its Investment In 6 Years - Aug. 4, 2022
  242. Technology Removes 400% More Salt From Seawater - Aug. 6, 2022
  243. Science May Not Be Enough To Save Us From Climate Change - Aug. 6, 2022
  244. Amazing Powder Turns Surfaces Water Repellant - Aug. 6, 2022
  245. How You Can Positively Influence Others For Lasting happiness - Aug. 6, 2022
  246. U.S. On The Verge Of A Remarkable Moment - Aug. 7, 2022
  247. Liquid That Stores Solar Energy For Years - Aug. 9, 2022
  248. Sweeping Energy Bill Will Push America To Go Green - Aug. 11, 2022
  249. Make My Drive Fun Mapping App - Aug. 11, 2022
  250. How To Actually Forgive Someone - Aug. 12, 2022
  251. Solar Panels Breakthrough With 1000x Power - Aug. 12, 2022
  252. Old Man Helps Mom Fix A Baby Stroller, Next Day Gets Helicopter Ride - Aug. 13, 2022
  253. Use Fortune Cookie Rule To Become Super Resilient - Aug. 13, 2022
  254. Plant Based Meat More Healthy And Sustainable Study Finds - Aug. 13, 2022
  255. New Tech Will Pull Clean Water From Thin Air - Aug. 13, 2022
  256. New Plastic Heals In An Instant - Aug. 17, 2022
  257. 23 Climate Change Documentaries You Need To Watch - Aug. 17, 2022
  258. Extreme Heat Slamming All Three Major Economies - Aug. 17, 2022
  259. A Way Found To Destroy "Forever" Chemicals In The Air And Water - Aug. 18, 2022
  260. Solar Hydropanel Sucks 10 Liters Of Drinking Water Per Day - Aug. 31, 2022
  261. Clean Fuel Breakthrough Turns Water Into Hydrogen - Aug. 31, 2022
  262. Best Way To Resolve Deep Lingering Relationship Problems - Sept. 1, 2022
  263. Jackery Solar Generator For Extreme Weather - Sept. 1, 2022
  264. Robot Automatically Finds And Destroys Weeds - Sept. 1, 2022
  265. Researchers Find A Way To Transmit Wireless Power Through Air Across 98 Feet - Sept. 2, 2022
  266. Whole House Off-Grid System Anyone Can Install - Sept. 5, 2022
  267. Scientists Figured Out How To Charge EV's In About 10 Minutes - Sept. 5, 2022
  268. How Sea Level Rise Will Look Like Around The Globe - Sept. 5, 2022
  269. Smart Wind Turbine Wall Can Power Your Entire Home - Sept. 10, 2022
  270. Scientists Studying Trees Issue Stark Warning To Humanity - Sept. 11, 2022
  271. Top 10 Prefab Homes For Sustainable Architecture - Sept. 12, 2022
  272. How To Stop Cities And Companies Causing Planetary Harm - Sept. 12, 2022
  273. Quantum Battery Breakthrough Paves The Way For Instant Charging - Sept. 12, 2022
  274. How To Prevent Customs Agents From Copying Your Cell Phone Data - Sept. 18, 2022
  275. Groundbreaking Transparent Solar Cells Give 1000x Energy - Sept. 20, 2022
  276. Seized Emails From Gas Companies Show Deceptive Climate Tactics And 'Greenwashing' - Sept. 23, 2022
  277. How A 100% Solar Community Survived Hurricane Ian With Minimal Damage - Oct. 2, 2022
  278. First-Ever Engine Generates Electricity From Heat - Has No Moving Parts - Oct. 3, 2022
  279. Graphene Provides Limitless Energy - Oct. 5, 2022
  280. Solar Electric Car Cleans Air As It Drives - Oct. 5, 2022
  281. The Climate Economy Is About To Explode - Oct. 5, 2022
  282. AC System That Cools A House Without Electricity - Oct. 8, 2022
  283. Rooftop Wind System Delivers 150% More Energy - Oct. 16, 2022
  284. Breakthrough To Deal With Plastic Waste - Oct. 17, 2022
  285. The Arctic Could Release The Next Pandemic - Oct. 19, 2022
  286. New Climate Report Has Warning Of Extreme Destruction - Oct. 23, 2022
  287. Science Behind Better Relationships - Oct. 28, 2022
  288. These Revolutionary Transparent Solar Panels Could One Day Replace Windows - Nov. 1, 2022
  289. Whole Grain Can Make The World A Better Place - Nov. 2, 2022
  290. 90% Of All U.S. Coal Plants Are Contaminating Ground Water - Nov. 4, 2022
  291. A School In The Indian Desert That Stays Cool In Extreme Heat - Nov. 7, 2022
  292. Nature & Community Based Solutions To Fight Climate Change Proposed - Nov. 8, 2022
  293. Ground Breaking Material Can Scrub CO2 From Power Plant Smokestacks - Nov. 8, 2022
  294. New Report Paints Dire Picture Of America's Future As Climate Crisis Accelerates - Nov. 11, 2022
  295. New Genetically Engineered Houseplant Cleans Air As Efficiently As 30 Air Purifiers - Nov. 12, 2022
  296. Breakthrough Solar Technology Extracts 400% More Salt From Seawater - Nov. 12, 2022
  297. These Solar Panels Are 1000x More Powerful - Nov. 15, 2022
  298. Transparent Coating On Windows Can Cool Without Using Energy - Nov. 16, 2022
  299. AuREUS Solar Panels Made From Recycled Food Waste Generate Energy Without Sunlight - Nov. 17, 2022
  300. Novel Technology Can Power Your Home For Days Using Half The Water Needed To Flush A Toilet - Nov. 19, 2022
  301. World's-First Battery Powered By Nuclear Waste Lasts 1,000's Of Years - Nov. 21, 2022
  302. Say These Phrases To Brighten Someone's Day - Nov. 22, 2022
  303. 12 Magic Phrases To Make People Like You - Nov. 26, 2022
  304. A New kind Of Battery Made Of Low Cost materials - Nov. 30, 2022
  305. Revolutionary Engine Generates Electricity From Heat - Dec. 1, 2022
  306. This Tiny Home Can Be Built Anywhere In One Hour - Dec. 2, 2022
  307. A New Kind Of Glass Can Cut AC By A third - Dec. 2, 2022
  308. Three Ways To Love Someone - Dec. 4, 2022
  309. Starving Bees Key To Agriculture Blamed On Climate Change - Dec. 12-2022
  310. Solar Panels 1000x More Powerful - Dec. 15, 2022
  311. Three Types Of Empaths - Dec. 16, 2022
  312. Stabilize Your Body With These Exercises - Dec. 17, 2022
  313. Turbo Charge Your Health With Spirulina Instead Of Beef - Dec. 17, 2022
  314. Thousands Of Animals Will Disappear As Global Food Webs Collapse - Dec. 17, 2022
  315. Tiny Solar Powered Affordable Car Of $6250 Car - Dec. 17, 2022
  316. Transparent Solar Cells With 1000x More Power - Dec. 20, 2022
  317. EV Without A Battery - Dec. 21, 2022
  318. Groundbreaking Technology Can Power Your Home For Days Using Half The Water Needed To Flush A Toilet - Dec. 19, 2022
  319. Transparent Solar Innovation Generates 1000x Energy - Dec. 20, 2022
  320. Before & After Paint Hack - Dec. 21, 2022
  321. Plastic Magnet To Clean Up Oceans - Dec. 23, 2022
  322. Countries Looking Beyond GDP As A Measure Of Wellness - Dec. 25, 2022
  323. Hydrogen Fuel From Air - Jan. 4, 2023
  324. Groundbreaking Wireless TV That Can Stick To Any Surface - Jan. 4, 2023
  325. Engine Converts Heat Into Electricity Without Moving Parts - Jan. 5, 2023
  326. Groundbreaking "Water Battery" Is Greener And Lasts Longer Than Lithium-Ion Batteries - Jan. 5, 2023
  327. Chile Has A Playbook To Transition To Green Energy - Jan. 7, 2023
  328. After A Home Break-In, The One Product That Gives Peace Of Mind - Jan. 7, 2023
  329. Kindness Matters More Than You Think - Jan. 7, 2023
  330. Human Body Will Power 6G Devices In The Future - Jan. 7, 2023
  331. The EU Will Place A Ban All Products Linked To Deforestation - Jan. 11, 2023
  332. New Solar-Powered Technology Can Transform Plastic Waste Into Sustainable Fuels And Cosmetics - Jan. 11, 2023
  333. Universe Not Speeding Up - Feb. 7, 2023
  334. Breakthrough Transparent Solar Cells Found To Generate Power 1000x More Efficiently - Feb. 20, 2023
  335. Earth's Water Is Officially Older Than The Sun. That's Incredible - March 17, 2023
  337. Transparent Cells Generate Power 1000x More Efficiently - April 20, 2023
  338. What's At Risk Of Disappearing Due To Climate Crisis - April 22, 2023
  339. Turn A Picture Into An Excel SpreadSheet On Your Phone - April 23, 2023
  340. 'Statistically impossible' heat extremes are already happening. These regions are the most at risk - April 30, 2023
  342. Lifechanging cancer drug produced from plant found only in Australian rainforests - May 5, 2023
  344. Climate change is bad for everyone - May 7, 2023
  345. The world's largest lakes are shrinking dramatically - May 18, 2023
  346. Global loss of wildlife is 'significantly more alarming' than previously thought, according to a new study - May 22, 2023
  347. Married Couples Who Do This Stay In Love Forever And Always - June 12, 2023
  348. What is Climate Change? | United Nations - June 29, 2023
  349. Scientists turned humid air into renewable power - July 2, 2023
  350. This portable battery station can power your home for 2 weeks - July 11, 2023
  351. Scientist who sounded climate alarm in 80s warns of worse to come - July 19, 2023
  352. Record-Breaking Solar Hydrogen Device: Turning Sunlight Into Clean Energy - July 23, 2023
  353. Forget Solar Panels, Here Come Rain Panels - July 25, 2023
  354. Recycling is a Lie. Plastic Manufacturers Spent $1B to Make You Think It is Working - Aug. 1, 2023
  355. The Red States Experimenting With Authoritarianism - April 18, 2023
  356. Hydra: The Greek island of calm where cars are banned and time stands still - Aug. 23, 2023
  358. ADL Says Hate Growing On Twitter - Sept. 6, 2023
  359. New Plant-Based and Biodegradable Filter Removes Over 99% Of Microplastics - Sept. 6, 2023
  360. Revolutionary solar panels sucks 10 liters of clean drinking water out of the air per day - Sept. 13, 2023
  361. Scientists Harvest Hydrogen From Discarded Plastic, Turning Waste Into Clean Energy - Sept. 15, 2023
  362. Here's The Political Conversation We Overlooked This Week - Sept. 15, 2023
  363. Ten countries and territories saw severe flooding in just 12 days. Is this the future of climate change? - Sept. 17, 2023
  364. Harvard Found The Secret To Happiness And It's Honestly So Simple - Sept. 17, 2023
  365. Revolutionary innovation could power electric car batteries for 3,000 miles on a single charge - Sept. 23, 2023
  366. Nanofluidic device generates power with saltwater -Sept. 24, 2024
  367. This Molecule Violates Chemistry. And It's Going to Help Us Harness Limitless Energy - Sept. 25, 2023
  368. New solar device makes desalinated seawater cheaper than tap water - Sept. 28, 2023
  370. Breakthrough technology could extend EV range to over 3,000 miles on a single charge - Oct. 10, 2023
  371. This Wind Energy Wall Brings Clean Power Home in Style - Oct. 17, 2023
  372. Behind cries of India being 3rd biggest polluter lurks West's evasion - Nov. 16, 2023
  373. Extreme weather and falling demand are pushing wineries into the red - Nov. 19, 2023
  374. Air pollution from coal-fired plants is much more deadly than originally thought, study finds - Nov. 23, 2023
  375. Peru has lost more than half its water reserves as glaciers rapidly melt - Nov. 23, 2023
  376. How AI could power the climate breakthrough the world needs - Nov. 27, 2023
  377. 'Britain is broken.' Dire poverty could usher in Victorian-era inequality - Dec. 11, 2023
  378. Revolutionary house paint reduces heating and cooling energy consumption by 36% - Dec. 17, 2023
  379. Cutting-edge transparent solar cells can generate power 1000x more efficiently - Dec. 18, 2023
  381. Alaska's Rivers Are Turning Orange and No One Knows Why - Dec. 21, 2023
  382. Can the NEW European Wind Turbine for Home Out Perform PV Solar Panels in 2024? - Dec. 28, 2023
  383. As climate chaos accelerates, which countries are polluting the most? - Jan. 2, 2024
  384. Smart flower: The World's Most Powerful and Affordable Technology that Outperforms Solar in 2024 - Jan. 10, 2024
  385. Groundbreaking battery technology could boost EV range to over 3,000 miles on a single charge - Jan. 18, 2024
  386. Cutting-edge lithium battery looks to eliminate 'range anxiety' - charges under 5 minutes - Jan. 25, 2024
  387. The Largest Hate Groups in the United States - Jan. 26, 2024
  388. Researcher accidentally discovers material that's stronger and cheaper than concrete - and its potential is dizzying - Jan. 29, 2024
  389. Scientists Propose New Category 6 For Future Of Monster Hurricanes - Feb. 6, 2024
  390. Clean industrial revolution kicks into high gear to fight climate change - Feb. 8, 2024
  391. Scientists just set a nuclear fusion record in a step toward unleashing the limitless, clean energy source - Feb. 8, 2024
  392. Critical Atlantic Ocean current system is showing early signs of collapse, prompting warning from scientists - Feb. 9, 2024
  393. This solar module could power and heat your home at the same time - Feb. 26, 2024
  394. Australia's Great Barrier Reef suffers 'extensive' coral bleaching, as scientists fear seventh mass bleaching event - Feb. 28, 2024
  395. 20 Futuristic Technologies About To Change the World -March 5, 2024
  396. These US cities will pay you up to $15,000 to move there - March 5, 2024
  397. Where sinking cities are pushing sea level rise into overdrive - March 6, 2024
  398. Resilient and strong: Voices of women from Kenya's largest 'slum' - March 9, 2024
  399. Opinion: I'm a climate scientist. If you knew what I know, you'd be terrified too - March 9, 2024
  400. A coal billionaire is building the world's biggest clean energy plant and it's five times the size of Paris - March 20, 2024
  401. Breakthrough in Solar Panel Production: Scientists Pave the Way for Mass Production of Perovskite Panels - March 20, 2024
  402. Tens of millions of people in this country drink arsenic-contaminated water. It could get a lot worse - March 22, 2024
  403. India's 'Silicon Valley' is running dry as residents urged to take fewer showers and use disposable cutlery - March 22, 2024
  404. The Worst Climate Disaster You Haven't Heard Of Just Got More Deadly - March 27, 2024
  405. Green hydrogen generator can power your home for days using about 2 liters of water - April 6, 2024
  406. 62-year-old started her business with $1,000-now it brings in over $25 million a year: 'I just had to do this' - April 7, 2024
  408. International court rules Switzerland violated human rights in landmark climate case brought by 2,000 women - April 9, 2024
  409. Small private colleges are struggling to keep their doors open as declining enrollment leads to financial instability - April 13, 2024
  410. Ocean heat is driving a global coral bleaching event, and it could be the worst on record - April 15, 2024
  411. Dubai's record-shattering "rain bomb" has clear climate change ties - April 17, 2024
  412. Scientists develop self-healing material that could transform the plastic industry: 'We could solve many of the world's problems with a single material' - April 21, 2024
  413. New Delhi chokes as trash mountain fire spreads hazardous fumes - April 23, 2024
  414. Energy breakthrough: 'Virtually limitless power production' - May 6, 2024
  415. This tiny apartment costs $7 a month. Scoring one is like winning the lottery - May 7, 2024
  416. The 'world's largest' vacuum to suck climate pollution out of the air just opened. Here's how it works - May 8, 2024
  417. Korean researchers develop battery that could eliminate major issue with electric cars: 'A new era where rapid charging becomes a reality' - May 22, 2024
  418. How disguised iPhone cable can hack your computer and steal everything you own - May 28, 2024
  419. The world's largest 3D printer is building cozy homes from wood - June 3, 2024
  420. UN chief says world is on 'highway to climate hell' as planet endures 12 straight months of unprecedented heat - June 5, 2024
  421. Why this summer’s forecast is bad news for the US after an exceptionally disastrous start to the year - June 10, 2024